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Am testat fișierul și funcționează. De urmat pașii de mai jos:


  1. Be sure to save the combined pdf as a new file if you wish to keep the original odd / even pdfs


  1. Press Download Zip on the top right corner
  2. Extract CollatePages.js into the Javascripts folder of Adobe Reader
    WindowsC:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Javascripts
    Mac/iMac/Applications/Adobe Acrobat DC/Adobe
  3. Restart Adobe Reader if it was opened
  4. Open the even pages of your pdf
  5. Open the odd pages of your pdf (both files need to stay open during this process, otherwise it may not work for large file)
  6. Click Tools

  7. Click Add-on Tools

  8. Click Collate

  9. Select the odd set of pdf file

  10. Save and done!

CollatePages.js :

// Complements: Planet PDF (
// Source:
// Modified by
//   - Christian Sass for Acrobat XI compatibility
//   - Bernd Alheit for newer Acrobat compatibility
//   - amoshydra for comsolidating solution

// Add a menu item to reverse all pages in the active document
app.addToolButton({ cName: "Reverse", cLabel: "Reverse", cExec: "PPReversePages();", cEnable: "event.rc = ( != null);"});
app.addToolButton({ cName: "Collate", cLabel: "Collate", cExec: "trustedCollatePages();", cEnable: "event.rc = ( != null);"});

function PPReversePages()
  var t = app.thermometer;
  t.duration = this.numPages;
  for (i = this.numPages - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  t.value = (i-this.numPages)*-1;
  t.text = 'Moving page ' + (i + 1);

// Collating pages
  Title: Collate Document
  Purpose: User is prompted to select document to insert/collate.
  Author: Sean Stewart, ARTS PDF,
trustedCollatePages = app.trustedFunction(function()
  app.beginPriv(); // Explicitly raise privileges
  // create an array to use as the rect parameter in the browse for field

  var arRect = new Array();
  arRect[0] = 0;
  arRect[1] = 0;
  arRect[2] = 0;
  arRect[3] = 0;

  // create a non-visible form field to use as a browse for field
  var f = this.addField("txtFilename", "text", this.numPages - 1, arRect);

  f.delay = true;
  f.fileSelect = true;
  f.delay = false;

  // user prompted to select file to collate the open document with
  app.alert("Select the PDF file to merge with")

  // open the browse for dialog

  var evenDocPath = f.value;

  var q = this.numPages;

  // insert pages from selected document into open document
  for (var i = 0;i < q; i++) {
      var j = i*2;
      this.insertPages(j, evenDocPath, i);

  // remove unused field